
Hi there, my name is Holly Scurry Todd. I’d love to share with you a little about my personal walk with Jesus Christ! At age 14, the King of Kings won back my heart and I stepped into knowing Him in a profound way. I began to rise above my circumstances because the Lord gave me a new perspective. It was like He said, “Here are some new glasses, Holly, take a look through My lenses.” As you can imagine, at such a young age, this changed the course of my life. Writing the Word of God on my heart allowed me to soar to new heights with Him. The scriptures I memorized as a teenager served as an anchor for my soul and a pair of heavenly lenses to see life from His perspective.


In launching "Heights with Holly," my heart is for you to step up and into the fullness of destiny and calling He has planned for you! Join me as we say “yes” together, accepting heaven’s invitation to go higher by the power of the Holy Spirit! 


100% of the proceeds from the sale of these cards go to Matthew 10 International to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ in some of the darkest places around the world!


You are altogether beautiful, My darling. There is no flaw in you.

Living in Light of Heaven


Behold, I am the Master of Breath, the God of all flesh of the world. Is anything too hard for Me?